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As you can see we’re not quite ready yet, but we will be soon and we’ll remind you to check our prices and get more Lemonade 💪
Building Lemonade for the Future
How the way we structure our organization helps us achieve autonomy, accountability, and high-quality execution—all while designing magical customer experiences.
What The Hell Is AI Ethics—And Why Should You Care?
Artificial Intelligence can be confusing, complicated, and even scary. But it’s already all around us. Lemonade’s AI Ethics and Fairness Advisor Tulsee Doshi walks us through the basics.
What the Hell Does an Actuary Actually Do?
We dive into the actuarial mysteries. Don’t worry—it’ll be fun.
Why We Sometimes Decline
As an insurance company, we have the responsibility to ensure we have your best interest at heart. We can’t sell something that isn’t right for you – that would be wrong.
Why Responsible AI Presents a “Beautiful Opportunity” for Business
Navrina Singh, CEO and founder of Credo AI, sits down with Daniel Schreiber and Tulsee Doshi to talk AI Ethics, insurance, and more.
Unpacking the Stories We Tell About Technology
In this episode of Benevolent Bots, podcast series from Lemonade, Genevieve Bell looks at the stories we tell ourselves about technology—and what people really want when they ask for greater transparency.
Time to Get Regulated
In this episode of Benevolent Bots, we talk through the delicate balancing act between privacy, machine learning, and great product design.
The Great Privacy Debate
In this episode of Benevolent Bots, we talk through the delicate balancing act between privacy, machine learning, and great product design.
Is AI Really More Effective Than Humans?
Benevolent Bots is Lemonade’s new podcast series about the overlap of a few issues that are always on our minds: Artificial intelligence, insurance, and ethics.
Why Tech Companies Should Hire Ex-Waiters
Tech companies struggling to hire great talent should reconsider what qualifies as qualifications.
Behind-The-Scenes of Lemonade’s Giveback Page Design
The impact of Giveback 2019 was BIG, with $631,540 donated to 25 charities. So we knew the announcement had to be big, too.