At Lemonade, we set out to create an insurance company driven by social good – and that meant no marketing fluff or philanthropic giveaways. Instead, we wanted to build a different system – one that would bring out the best in all of us, and that would have social impact embedded in its very foundations.
That’s what the Lemonade Giveback is all about.
Unlike any other insurance company, we donate all unclaimed premiums to charity. What does that mean? We take a flat fee from your monthly premium, use the rest to pay claims, and give back what’s left to causes you care about each July. So that annual donation doesn’t come directly from your pocket – instead, it comes from the good behavior and good fortune of the Lemonade community.

Want to dive deeper? Read on for everything you ever wanted to know about the Lemonade Giveback program- and for the entire list of Lemonade’s Giveback charities, scroll down.
Here’s a quick preview of what we’ll cover:
- What is the impact of Lemonade’s Giveback?
- How does Giveback really make Lemonade different?
- The Lemonade Giveback nonprofits
The Impact of Lemonade’s Giveback
Since the Lemonade launch in September 2016, there have been six Givebacks and we donated $ 6.164.548 to dozens of charities. In our first Giveback in 2017, Lemonade donated over 10% of its revenue to 14 Giveback causes, which amounted to $ 54.174. Over time, the Lemonade community as well as the potential of our Giveback have grown, and in 2022, we were able to donate over $ 1,8 million to 59 charities.

The Lemonade Giveback 2022 benefited the following organizations and projects, amongst others:
- Charity:Water: $ 134.909 to support water projects that provide clean and safe drinking water to people in Mali.
- 350.Org: $ 118.443 to support the fight for climate justice.
- ACLU: $ 75.320 to support the Reproductive Freedom Project and the Anti-Racism Project.
- National Breast Cancer Foundation: $ 40.014 to administer mammograms.
- The Trevor Project: $ 100.727 to give lifesaving mental health services to LGBTQ+ youth.
- Malala Fund: $ 23.174 to support vulnerable girls enrolled in schools across the Sidama region of Ethiopia.
- Gurls Talk: $ 5.067 to provide free and accessible mental health resources to young women and adolescent girls.
We are proud that our Lemonade community has been able to support so many projects and organizations around the world through the Giveback. Here you can find a list of all nonprofits we currently partnered up with in the Netherlands.
How Giveback Makes Lemonade Different
Our Giveback program allows our Lemonaders to support causes they care about. If there’s leftover premium, it goes to charities chosen by Lemonaders themselves- so Giveback is baked into our business model.
When your unused dollars go to charity, it’s not an extra payment from your pocket. It’s simply due to your good fortune and good behavior – your unclaimed dollars roll over to make a difference for someone else in this universe.

The Giveback model predicts that not every group will get a Giveback every year, but we hope most groups will have more good years than bad.
Social impact is a guiding value at Lemonade. We are a proud member of the B-Corp community, and one of the world’s only public benefit insurance companies. We want to make it easy for you to do good.
Check out some of the things our Lemonaders are saying about Giveback:

If you already have a Lemonade policy but haven’t selected your Giveback cause, make sure you download the Lemonade app. You’ll be prompted to pick a cause you care about and will have the opportunity to read more about each one. If you don’t have Lemonade yet, scroll through our list of causes below, choose one you’re passionate about, and get a Lemonade policy in seconds.
The Lemonade Giveback List of Nonprofits
CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. The organization puts women and girls first because we can’t overcome poverty until we all have equal rights and opportunities. Independent of political, commercial, military, ethnic or religious objectives CARE promotes the protection of humanitarian space.
Clean Clothes Campaign
The Clean Clothes Campaign is a global alliance dedicated to improving working conditions and empowering workers in the global garment and sportswear industries. CCC works directly with workers to solve concrete problems and transform them into global solutions.
De Regenboog Groep
De Regenboog Groep supports those struggling with mental and financial issues – including homeless people. Through buddy volunteer programs, walk-in consultation services, social work, daytime activities and much more, this nonprofit helps alleviate the worries of those living on the streets.
Fairtrade Netherlands
Fairtrade believes that everyone deserves an equal opportunity for a better future. This organisation is committed to improving the living- and working conditions of millions of farmers and workers worldwide. They work hard to grow products that we enjoy every day, such as coffee, bananas and chocolate.
Every year, more than 550 children in the Netherlands are diagnosed with cancer. KiKa raises lifesaving funds for innovative research and support for patients, helping them to cure more children, experience less pain during treatments, and have a higher quality of life at a later age.
KNGF Geleidehonden
KNGF Geleidehonden aims to improve the lives of disabled people by partnering them with a specially trained dog. These service dogs provide more freedom, independence and a better quality of life for their humans.
MIND prevents psychological problems and supports people who suffer from mental issues by providing information, doing research, carrying out projects, taking action, and providing help through the MIND Korrelatie helpline.
Nationaal Ouderenfonds
Het Nationaal Ouderenfonds is committed to helping the elderly in the Netherlands. They encourage them to stay socially active, connected to their surroundings and to be of significance. The nonprofit also inspires Dutch communities to be an age friendly and welcoming society.
Plan International
Plan International is committed to realise equal opportunities for girls and boys. Girls are still disadvantaged and discriminated against. That is why they protect them from child marriages, sexual exploitation, teenage pregnancies and female genital mutilation in over fifty countries.
Plastic Soup Foundation
Plastic Soup Foundation has a clear mission: to stop the plastic pollution. This non-profit tackles the problem at the source – via the industry and the government. There is also a strong focus on education, as well as the relationship between plastics and human health.
Stichting Opkikker
Stichting Opkikker supports families with sick children, by providing activities for the whole family to enjoy. These activities help children forget about the illness, unpleasant treatments and many hospital visits. The program is completely tailored to each specific family situation, offering some joy and relief to thousands of families each year.
Trees for All
Trees for All plants new forest and restores existing forests in the Netherlands and abroad. Their approach aims for a better climate, more biodiversity, and better livelihoods. Together, with people like you, they have already planted and restored millions of trees and dozens of forests. This nonprofit is working hard for a green and healthy earth.
UNICEF stands up for the rights of all children – everywhere in the world. They help millions of children through vaccinations against deadly diseases, support children who suffer from severe malnutrition, provide education and much more. UNICEF believes that every child should be able to grow up healthy, safe and with the opportunity to get the best out of life.
VSO is the world’s leading development charity fighting poverty through volunteers. The organization brings together specialists and local communities in Africa and Asia to provide good care, better education and equal opportunities for everyone.
Btw, if you don’t see your favorite cause on our list, let us know – we’d love to see if we can help support them too through our Giveback program. Drop us a line at [email protected].